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Deadline to Register:  Monday, April 11, 2016



Ripped Men’s Physique Championship 2016 is for men who want to display their upper bodies in a classic, symmetry, beach body form. Competitors wear Traditional knee high board shorts in the first round and Stylish short brief cut swimwear in the second round while presenting themselves on stage in both individual walk and group line-ups. They will be judged based equally upon their Physical Upper Body Symmetry, Size, Muscle Condition and Presentation.




Any natural athlete 21 years old and up is welcome to compete in Body Boyz United ‘Ripped’® event regardless of competitive experience. Beginners, novices or veterans can compete regardless of past or current bodybuilding federation affiliations.Contestants must submit a Men’s Physique Contest Application which includes (1) Entry Form, (2) Email Two physique photos. Photos do not need to be professional


Email (2) Two Fitness Body Photos To:




Contestants will walk individually to the center of the stage and do two half turns, posture and pose and then walk off to the opposite side of the stage. Then, all competitors will return as a group for quarter turns and comparisons as requested by the judges. Then the Top 5 Competitors will return to stage so judges can make their final decision on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Stage presence is an essential part of the judging consideration. Competitor body condition should be lean and muscular but not striated and dehydrated.


All contestants will be equally and fairly judged in both rounds. This will include (1) an individual Walk on stage and (2) in group line-up for quarter turns and mandatory & freestyle posing. Judges will be looking for fit contestants who display proper shape and symmetry combined with muscularity and overall condition. This is not a bodybuilding contest so extreme muscularity should be marked down.


Ripped Physique judging criteria is based upon five scored categories:

(1) Introductory Video Presentation – 5% of Score

Contestants will introduce themselves by giving your (Full Name and City/State) and ask the viewing audience to vote for you. This video presentation gives you the opportunity to show your warm and charming personality, professionalism and physique. No lewd acts will be allowed.


Contestant video presentation can be basic to extremely creative. Example: Video clips may include Contestant lifting weights, exercising, etc. Note: The video presentation MUST only be 1-2min in length. Important: Only Contestant who present a Introduction video will receive 5 points.


*The stage judging presentation of the competition

(2) Symmetry – 30% of Score

(3) Muscle Mass – 30% of Score

(4) Condition – 30% of Score


Judges will be looking for fit contestants who display proper shape and symmetry combined with muscularity and overall condition. This is not a bodybuilding contest, so extreme muscularity is not necessary.


(5) Posing Presentation – 5% 0f Score

Judges will be looking for the contestant with the best stage presence and poise who can successfully convey his personality to the audience. No lewd acts will be allowed.




Will become an official BODY BOYZ UNITED fitness model; Featured and Interviewed on the Body Boyz United Website; Exclusive photo shoot with BODY BOYZ UNITED photographer; Fitness Supplement gift bags and other great prizes by our sponsors.


1st Place Winner receives all the above plus a Trophy & Cash prize of $1,000 dollars; 

2nd Place Winner receives all the above plus a Trophy & Cash prize of $500 dollars;

3rd Place winner will receive all the above plus a Trophy and Cash prize of $300 dollars


Men's Physique Competition Video

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